All Arsenal ready to launch at the horizon to trash the big monster down below.Tons of bait fishesDozens of rods line at the beach all fire up waiting the big monster to pull. Also pack with rods to our left .The story of Rizan Hat Trick began like this.He was beside me asking us to have our lunch and suddenly Herman shouted to Rizan his Rambo 16ft rod bend down slowly he quickly ran to his rod lock the drag and give a few good pumps.The monster sets to comes in but after a few second he can't wind anymore as his rod bend forward furiously and the monster take more line .The monster stopped Rizan turn to pull to gain more line at that time the monster start to dash to the right of the shore. Me and Herman quickly wind up the other rod on our right to let Rizan fight the monster while he was pumping to bring the monster in his line snapped everyone when blank and look at Rizan . He wind up the line to see what happen we noticed his rig snood 50lbs snapped due to improper crimping at the swivel.What a great loss by Rizan's using famous Pulley Rig and bait sandeel aka ikan pasir pasir.This year alone Rizan lost three big monster two at his Kampong of Heaven one way train and now at this Changi Car park6-7 line snapped.Lesson to learn never use long nose to crimp metal sleeve use correct crimping pliers for big game rig.Andy doing the Off The Ground casting.I landed a small Ray 'Catch and Release' to fight another day.Herman also landed nice size Ray using Apollo rig bait fresh slice fish.Jeff aka Kettler from FK Surf casting Brother , Azzhari, Boi, Rafik, Hilda and Goh visited us.After the marathon of 20 hour of fishing next day Rizan went back to his Kampong with his rare catch 'Lobster' using Apollo rig bait dead prawn.Close view of Lobster. That all tight line always.
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