Hello Guys sharing another great catch this afternoon 16th Feb 2011 at my usual hunting ground . Went alone this time upon reaching the place I see the tide coming in very fast that was about 0900hrs. Without delay i set up my light tackle rod to get fresh small bait fish and also setup my two big arsenal rod Zziplex M4 . At about 0945hrs i got my second bait smelt fish aka sawchiam and my first bait fish sweetlip (lencam) quickly cast out my first rod pendulum style to the horizon where the big monster waiting . After that cast my second rod Zziplex M4 with sweetlip the first bait i caught earlier . While casting the second rod I noticed my first rod M4 bend vigorously but the drag alarm never sound maybe I forget to on the alarm due to excitement earlier . Quickly ran back to the first rod I gave a strike and the fight is on . I keep my cool as the monster ray run with my line first once it stop my turn to pump the monster back to the shore gain my mainline back and this tug of war lasted about 5-7 minutes . Once subdue I gaff the ray myself to the shore . Shock and disbelieve to see Leopard Ray 7kg and Arsenal used :Rod Zziplex M4 pair up with Diawa Grand Wave Z30 . MainLine Xzago MasterLon 15lbs and ShockLeader Silstar Uni Green 50lbs . Rig: Clever Little Devil Pulley Rig. Thank u to the Cyclist Fandi help me to take picture shot . Stay tune for more adventure hunting Monster Fish from shoreline of Singapore . Isa signing off . Another Rezeki hasil laut Amin .