Last week, some of the Team members went to the Island for a great time of surf fishing.
Isa, Freako, Indra and Anuar were the ones who were there.
The rest of the team can't make it as they have work commitments. Anyway here is the catch report from THE ISLAND.
Told the weather there was freakin hot and later in the late afternoon there was a heavy downpour.
The story goes on as Isa's Daiwa Landcaster was pulled by a monster and dropped flat on the ground. His Daiwa Sealine-X was screaming in pain while the main line was being pulled....
As swift as lightning Isa picked up his rod and gave it a good clean strike and the monster was hooked. Fighting slowly and steadily, " Stand by the Gaff" he shouted. He reeled In the monster inch by inch......Then suddenly to his dissapointment his main line give way when the the monster was about to be landed! "Alamak!!" he shouted in anger and dissapoinment. The boys stood still....doesnt want to believe that the monster has gotten away......Well guys, there will be another time!!
Isa fighting with the monster.....
The small ray was released afterwards...
Nice spotted ray...landed by Indra.
Their catches at the Island....some fishes were released to conserve our seas.
Yup! Live Earth! Answer The Call!