The spot: Changi Pantai Timur Tengah
Time: 1930hrs till Dawn
Date: 23 Nov 2007
The Surfcasters: TMZ, Isa, Azzari, Apit, Salleh, Indra, Pai and our good fren OBEK.
Reached the spot at around 2000hrs. Isa and Azzari were already there....too bad Naz Freako can't join us that night. Set up my Daiwa Sandstorm and paired it up with a Daiwa Sealine 30SHV.
Azzari landed the duri at around 12 am by using his special rig which he made it on the spot.
His reel gave out a short burst of rachet and before the fish could get away Azzari was there holding his rod, an Anyfish Anywhere......
It was a fun night overall...i did a little bit of netcasting...hhhmmm maybe i should get my own net? Yeah why not? Anyways, below are the enjoy guys!!!
See u guys soon !!! Team Nelayan INc will be back for more!! TMz signing off...goodnite. God bless all u surfcasters out there~!~