Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Western Grille...Eastern Style

Date: 09.02.2008
Casters: Team Nelayan Inc & Friends

I was half an hour late...reached at assembly area at around 1730hrs. Im supposed to be there at 1700hrs!! Upon reaching the assembly area i bought some bread and drinks to fill my stomach which is to last the whole night. Eagerness were written all over everyone's faces. Hmmmm......understandable.

Reached the spot...Isa quickly set up his 6 footer and managed to catch a whole bunch of pasir-pasir. Meanwhile Freako and Apit were busy doing netcasting also for baits. They also managed to land a few bait fishes especially the most sought after pasir-pasir.

Obek started a campfire which lasted till morning. The fire was used to BBQ the fishes caught. Yummy! Fresh seafood!! A flounder was grilled to perfection and tasted like BBQ stingray! I wished that we had caught more of this fish.

No biggies were landed but still the guys had a great time with their 8 and 9 footers. These rods landed the most fish especially selar papan or the guys would prefer to call it "selar dot com"! He he he he!!!!!....

A garoupa was landed by Salleh. It weigh to an almost 3 kg!! What a beauty it was!! The night was cold but was heated up by the flames of the campfire and also the company of the guys. Below are the pics......let them do the talking. TMZ signing off..Gooodnite!!

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